you are [found in traffic]

there are currently 5 main seasons and 1 April Fools season in the series.

third life

the one that started it all! third life's gimmick was incredibly simple, but it worked well. every player had three lives, and as soon as they lost their final life, they were out of the series. "green lives" refer to people still on their first life, "yellow lives" for people who have died once and are on their second life, and "red lives" for people on their third and final life. the only life where a player could intentionally kill another player is their red life.

last life

last life functioned simularly to third life - limited lfe counts, red lives could kill other players, and once you hit your final life you're out. the main differences were the following. one: instead of just three lives, players started with a random number of lives between two and six. two: this is the first season to introduce the "bogeyman", a player who was randomly selected each session/episode & and to kill any green or yellow life player in order to be cured. failure to make a kill meant this player would instantly go to 1 life by the end of the session. three: this season had a "/givelife" command, allowing players to transfer lives to an ally or use lives to trade.

double life

this season went back to the three life mechanic of third life. instead, at the beginning of the series, players were assigned a soulmate. any damage taken or death of the soulmate would be shared. the soulmate was unknown - players had to go searching to find theirs.

limited life

instead of three lives, everyone had 24 hours. they could regain time by making a kill, and lost time by dying.

secret life

[BONUS] real life

last updated by fox on september 21st. 2024.